Be Your Best

and feel your best

Personalized Treatment Plans

We take the time to listen to your history and your concerns to give you the custom care and support you deserve.

Commitment to our Patients

We explain and discuss your health options and work together to start you on a wellness plan that is right for you.

Long Term Solutions

When you come to see us, we’ll be sure to get to the root of the problem, so you know exactly what your body needs to recover.

holistic health care

for the whole family

We educate and guide you to a healthier version of yourself. By focusing on health as a whole, and addressing the root cause of illness, we can achieve results that last and you can feel your best again.

You need support

It can be a challenge staying healthy in a toxic world. You feel like you are surviving when you could be thriving. Too often people settle for treatment that doesn’t address the root cause and professionals that don’t make you feel heard or aren’t sensitive to your needs. To return to optimal wellness, your body needs to fully heal with treatment specific to you and your health concerns.

working together to

optimize your health

I’m K. Abigail Blanchard and I want to help you achieve your best health.

I have experienced my own share of health issues personally, as well as with my son. I found that many doctors weren’t listening and hearing me about my own body. I was not taken seriously, or I was just given a “band-aid,” never really addressing the underlying issue. I did a lot of research myself and was pulled to go back to school where I earned my Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor (BCND) degree.

I want to help, listen, and figure out a plan to help you achieve your health goals and get you back to living the life you deserve.

Ready to start feeling better?

It’s time to get back to being you. Initial consultations are affordable at only $175.

1. Schedule an Appointment

We will listen to your story, learn about your goals, and answer any questions.

2. Get a custom treatment plan

After your first visit you will receive a personalized plan to get healthy and stay healthy.

3. start feeling better

You'll start to see results and feel your best again.

Being a middle age wife, mom and grandmother takes energy. It also takes a toll on my old joints.

I am blessed to be able to call my ND (Dr. Abigail Blanchard) who not only does muscle testing but also, light therapy, frequencies, supplements, and more. She keeps me healthy, energized, and feeling good. I trust her completely with my care. She listens to all issues and guides me to my best health possible.

- Gina

Don't let your health hold you back

Take control of your wellness and start the healing process today for a happier and healthier you.

holistic health and

wellness consultations

We provide lifestyle, food, and supplement recommendations and additional services including:

  • iridology
  • AO frequency scan
  • muscle testing
  • chakra clearing
  • light therapy
  • herbal medicine support
  • homeopathy
  • bach flower remedies
what are you

struggling with?

We help support conditions including:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Hypothyroid
  • Hashimoto’s Hyperthyroid
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Chronic Pain
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • PCOS
  • Skin Conditions
  • Candida
  • Auto Immune Disorders
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Diabetes or Hypoglycemia
  • Irritable Bowel, Colitis
  • Weight Loss
  • Weight Gain & Malabsorption
  • Frequent Immune Challenges
  • Autoimmunity
  • Asthma and Allergies
  • Mold Toxicity or Mold Sickness
  • Chemical Toxicity
  • Lyme Disease
  • Food Allergies and Gluten Intolerance

Restore your health & reclaim your life

Want to learn more about what Guided Health and Wellness can do for you? We offer a FREE 15-minute consultation to see if scheduling an appointment is right for you.

678-965-3714 |  Woodstock, Georgia

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